The song was first presented on Best Artist 2013; JUMP had performed their song after AKB who sang their recent Janken song (the center being the lovely Matsui Jurina) "Suzukake ... " something something something. Heo, it was one heck of a long title. There's absolutely no way I would remember that. It would be a miracle if I was able to remember that entire song title. Anyways, a lot of people's first impressions were positive and described "Ride with Me" as a "fierce" song and JUMP was "amazing." LOL NOPE.
Let's review the MV first. To start things off, let's talk about the outfits. JUMP didn't not one, not two, but THREE different outfits for this MV. For my Hello! Project fans out there, which band had three different outfit changes in one MV? Juice=Juice. Their outfits are okay, they're kinda cool. One was a pure white outfit, one was modern and somewhat cool, and tuxedos. I was a huge fan of Yuto's red leather jacket - that jacket suits him so well. He should keep that jacket, yesh. I approve of that jacket! Also, Daiki's hair. I usually I don't really like his curly hair, but he really pulled it off well in this MV. Also Chinen, fix ya hair please. Same thing with Yamada too. Thank you.
Anyways, the guys still look attractive as always. Although, in my personal opinion, they still fail to appeal in terms of sexiness for this MV. The dance did not amaze me whatsoever. For me, the dance is always a key point in a MV. Its what keeps the MV together, a majority of the time. Morning Musume's MV for "Kimi Sae Ireba Nani mo Iranai" was absolutely terrible. However, it was their dance formation that kept me interested, 50% of the time. The other 50% was Harunan & Sayu's "WHAO's~"
Moving on, the dance was not interesting. I know JUMP are better dancers than this, but the dance routine is too amateur-like. This looks like a dance the younger Johnny's Juniors should be doing. It was completely bland. There was no interesting point in this dance except for that hand movement thingy that Yuto did- it actually did fit with the song.
That was probably the only part of the dance that I actually liked. Besides that, forget the dance. I don't like it in general. Also, the MV had three different scenes. One was the dance shot in which they were wearing white outfits, I feel so disappointed in the dance shot. But I'll admit that I really do like the setting of it. It's a cool setting. But the dance- Anyways, another scenes was the color effects two wall thingy. I'm too lazy to come up with a come name for that. It was colorful, it was okay. At least it helped complimented their outfits.
The third scene was a black and white effect tuxedo thing. Okay, I have a question. How the heck are tuxedos related to this? Like all of a sudden, I see them in tuxedos and have the swirling black and white effect thingy. I'll admit that they look sharp in their suits, especially Yuto. Yuto, the next 007. "It's Nakajima, Yuto Nakajima." He fits the image so well~ Squeeee~ Anyways, it felt so out of place and unrelated. It just doesn't fit with the rest of the MV for me. It felt so off. If this was in another MV of a different theme, yea I might like it.
I honestly would like to thank the director or the editor or whoever personally for including more screen time for Keito. YES, IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE. KEITO FINALLY GOT SOME MORE SCREEN TIME. HALLELUJAHHH~ Even though the MV is always centered on Yamada 99.99% of the time, I'm so happy that Keito was able to tiny bit more screen time. I'm so happy. However, I was also disappointed on how little Yuya got in this MV.
I feel so bad for Yuya for he got nothing from this MV. Even though he did get a tiny solo and some screen time, his presence in the overall MV ... It felt like he wasn't even there 90% of the time. I had to remind myself repeatedly: "Yuyan's in this MV." I felt like he was pushed so far in the back in this MV. Usually, he's like Keito and Inoo. He doesn't really get as much screen time compared to Yamada, but the amount of screen time he usually receives - you know he's there. But when I watched the MV multiple times, it felt like he wasn't even there. I want a little more Yuyan, where's Bakaki?
Overall, this MV did not really impress me. It's okay but it's not really good, in my opinion. Yuto seriously appealed the most in the MV. He was perfection. Hell yes. The MV was really centered on Yamada 99.99% of the time. I wasn't surprised at all, he's always center for a majority of their singles. I felt bored, most of the time - watching this MV. Keito got more screen time, I'm happy about that. The rest of the members are okay in this MV, they're the same as always.
I'm sorry for mostly rambling on for this review? I just feel kinda lazy and I've been kinda sick lately. Hopefully, for part two - when I review the songs - it will be better. Just forgive me for this one time, onegaishimasu. orz Until my next post, jyaa ne~
Song: "Date @ Shopping Mall" by DISH//
Mood: I'm still sick .. (oT-T)尸
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