Saturday, March 28, 2015

(Airi's Post) Flower vs. Sexy Zone! Who made a better MV in the Enchanted Forest? (੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭̸*✧⁺˚

This year shall be different! I shall not make any more empty blog promises. I think it's obvious who's the better admin of this collaboration blog. /inaaaaaaaa/ I sincerely apologize for not doing my fair share of the work. I haven't updated this blog since December of 2014, in which I posted my top music videos for that year. I've failed as an admin, I'm sorry.

I've been waiting to do this review since like forever. However, I had to wait until the full version of Sexy Zone's music video was released. And that wasn't until earlier this month when their third album was released. If you are curious, you may read my review for the album right here. Click the link → Airi's Review of Sexy Zone's 'Sexy Power3' Album.

If you haven't guessed it already, I shall be comparing Flower's 'Sayonara, Alice' music video and Sexy Zone's 'Maware Miracle' music video. I've noticed some vague similaries between the two of them. Both of them very magical-like and stuff. I'm a sucker for fantasy, I'm sorry. Now who made the better music video in the Enchanted Forest? Let's go see~
